Pattern-Oriented Windows Victimware Analysis Training Pack

Some software components are innocent victims of other component coding mistakes or deliberate subversion and some start as a part of crimeware and malware but eventually become victims themselves (they crash, hang, spike, leak, are dumped, subverted, etc.) This training pack introduces novel pattern languages for the unified malware and victimware analysis by using behavioral and structural analysis patterns.

The training pack includes:

  1. Victimware: The Missing Part of the Equation
  2. Accelerated Windows Memory Dump Analysis, Sixth Edition
  3. Accelerated Windows Malware Analysis with Memory Dumps, Third Edition
  4. Practical Foundations of Windows Debugging, Disassembling, Reversing, Second Edition
  5. Memory Dump Analysis Anthology Volume Set (Diagnomicon)
  6. Access to Software Diagnostics Library
  7. Recordings

When you purchase the training pack, you additionally get a free named Software Diagnostics Library membership with access to more than 440 cross-referenced patterns of memory dump analysis, their classification, and more than 70 case studies.

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